Sunday, December 21, 2008

5 lbs and naming underwear

Ok, I've lost 5 lbs since my last post. Go me! The medical recommendation for my height is 136 - 179 lbs. For the record, I'm already within this range, but more toward the higher end. I'm working toward getting to the lower end (and eliminating some of my OWN lower end, if you know what I mean.) The average weight that other people of my age, height, weight and gender would describe as their ideal weight is 170. So my first goal is to get to that weight. Of course, men tend to say their ideal weight should be higher than what is healthy (and women do the opposite). So after that goal, I should strive for even lower. There are many tables that have been created for ideal height/weight ratios. According to a table created by Metropolitan Life Insurance company in 1979, the lowest range for my height is 157. From there, I would love to be back at 145-150 again.

1st goal: 170
2nd goal: 157
Final goal: 145-150

Does anyone have a favorite pair of underwear? I do. I call him Blue. Oh, what? You don't name your underwear? I do. They all have names. I didn't start doing this until I was in my 20's. I don't know why, but it's fun. Hey, if you can make ANY part of your life a tad more enjoyable, I say go for it.

Some other names of my undies: Baby Blue, Turtle, Frogger, Algebra, Lumberjack, Midnight, Skyscraper, St. Robert (cause they're holey...get it, holey, holy), and Electric Lemonade.

If you haven't tried naming your underwear, you're missing out.

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