Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I let the wind control where I go.
What the hell does that mean?
It means let life happen and enjoy the ride.
So you believe in destiny?
Well (pause) no. I mean you have control over stuff, but for the most part, a lot of things come at you unexpectedly. I just believe in making the best of it.
Nah, it sounds like destiny, dude.
Not if you think about it... I hate the word destiny. I think it's a foolish debate anyway.
No, that's cool how you think about it.
Yeah. I mean, do you ever feel like - whether it's good or bad - that you were meant to be at this place in your life? And when new people come into your life, it's as if, you knew you were going to have them in your life? You know? Something just feels comfortable about it.
That's so destiny you're talking about!
NO! Well, you can call it whatever you want. I believe you have control over some things. So, it's like a mix. You can change your destiny a little.
Luke, it is unavoidable. It is your destiny! Haha!
But that sounds weird: change your destiny.
Dude, forget it.

So, what are you going to do about the problem? I think you're totally fucked.
I don't know, yet. This is huge.
Why don't you just let the wind take care of it.
(Sarcastically) Ha ha. Seriously, this is the worst catch 22 ever. All that work & research I've done and now I'm lying to all those that helped me. I can't even use the damn thing! It's useless! I don't know who to trust and the whole thing rests on Tierson's word he'd keep his mouth shut. Who the hell is going to help me? I can't just drop the bomb on anyone.
I wish you hadn't even told me, man. I can't even help you.
You're different. I told you just because I needed to tell someone. I couldn't take it! I was going nuts!
What if Tierson has the same problem? You think he told anyone?
Fuck. I don't even want to think about it.
Pull over here. I want to get a drink.
Ok, hurry up, though. We need to keep rolling.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The importance of being self-important

I love how MySpace just pops up on my screen. So convenient now that it's my home page.

Hmm, I hate typing my email address & password all the time, but if I click on Remember Me, someone might sneak into my account and hack it or something. So, I guess I'll just keep typing it in because I need to maintain my profile. Ahhh! I misspelled my password because I was so anxious to sign in! Ok, now it's good, whew.

Ohhh, messages! Yes! More friends! Yes! Ew, I don't even know this person. But I'll add them anyway. This band looks stupid. Leave me alone. But I'll add them too because it'll just give me more friends.

Ok, let's go to my main page. Ahhh, there's me!!! Yay! I still look so cute! Should I change my headline? Nooo, I still like it! haha Time to add some new pics.

Ok, now I should post a bulletin letting all my friends know that I've posted the new pics. Ohhh, and I will write a blog about how I just ate a banana. It was so gross, but I ate it anyway. And then Joey made fun of me saying that I'd eat anything. Then, I started thinking I was too fat. What a funny story! I'll also add how I just added new pics. I bet my friends will comment, telling me I look beautiful!

Time to steal some friends from my friends! More friends, yay!

I'm gonna go look for a new layout for my profile. Ohhh, this one's hot! I love pink. Those sparkles are awesome. I don't care if it slows down my page. It makes my profile pic look even better!

I definitely should change my profile song. It's been over 3 days with this new Rhiannon song. Geez, I'm slackin!

Let's look at other bulletins...OHHHH survey time!!!! This one's long, but I have to do it. Plus, all my friends will be reading about me. Yay! Oh, it asks what I was just doing. I'll put that I posted new pics again!

I'm gonna write a blog about the bulletin now. I have to email my friend, Stacy to let her know that I just wrote a blog about the bulletin in which I answered that I just posted new pics, then wrote a bulletin and a blog about the new pics, so my friends wouldn't miss the fact that there are new images of me available! Hotness!!!!


Ok, I'm sick now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've never...

Sometimes, you can learn more about someone by what they HAVEN'T done.

I've never...

been admitted to a hospital
been the reason to go to an emergency room
broken a bone
had stitches
had a severe burn
needed glasses
needed braces
had any major disorders

killed anyone
severely injured anyone
stolen anything expensive
been arrested
received a speeding ticket or moving violation
avoided or cheated my taxes
killed any animals with my car
driven drunk

been off this continent
went up the Washington Monument
went up the St. Louis Arch
touched, swam in, or floated on the Mississippi River
been to Mexico
been to Disneyland
been to Alaska or Hawaii
been to a late night talk show

shaved my head
gone mountain climbing
gone sky-diving
gotten a tattoo
spent money at a strip club
been to an NFL football game
sang solo karaoke in front of people
gone skiing

seen a UFO, ghost, alien, Bigfoot, or Nessie
touched a dead person
been unconscious
broken a mirror
had my palm read
attempted to cast a spell
seen Siamese twins